Reading an 1878 Map of Russell
Everyone needs to learn to read maps because maps can tell you where you are, where you want to go, what is there, and what used to be there.
Directions: Attempt to answer the questions below by reading this 1878 Map of Russell.
1. Color in the cemetery to the left of town.
2. The railroad that runs to the east of the Conewango Creek is indicated by a black line with little black dashes through it. Find the railroad. What is the railroad called?
3. Put an X over the railroad depot which sits next to the railroad.
4. What are the three main streets in this map that run from left to right?
5. Almost all maps tell you which direction you are looking. Many maps use an arrow to indicate north and south. The north is at the point of the arrow. Find the arrow in this map. (Hint: It runs through someone’s name just above the Conewango Creek.) Using the arrow, mark north, south, east, and west on your map.
6. Circle all of the bridges going over the Conewango Creek on the map.
7. The names that are written on the map indicate who owns the land. Find the land that J.A. Hodges owns beneath the Conewango Creek and color it in.
8. Professional maps have what is called a “scale.” Scale tells one how much space on the map equals how much space on the ground. For example: An inch on a map may mean a mile on the ground. What is the scale of this map?
Courtesy of the Warren County Historical Society